is looking for poems with strong imagery, emotion, and with interesting use of language. We nominate for most major prizes, anthologies and awards.

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    It is boiling again, hissing this man-carrying Nirvana, in which the rebellion of the Crowds is once again. This measured Executioner's Time is just a possible, narrow vessel. He plays the incapable, like the chess pieces of Hope. As essentially a enduring, Elioti's Nobody's Land, merges intention and doctor Did: the mortal man-dweller of the earth pushes his borders forever, while everyone who wants a sane PEACE!

    Man, fearful, is at most rarely expected by worldly earthly stars; it is hard to imagine now that the beautiful Dear sincerely and truly whispers longingly, with love:, I love you, for I have chosen you because of your human qualities and not because of your Money! ”- This century is no longer at all about testifying or saving values for accounts, since the real, deserved Success has also become a mass commodity, and showcase authors are forced to dominate market movements!

    It might be good if the pumpkin, hasty temper had a volcano cooling in the minds of brainwashed little kings; birth also means a slow countdown, pribes pains will sooner or later come for everyone. Grace and mercy would be good now. Arriving on the threshold of this age, I can't even half understand the absurd ideas, because I know that in the ruthless twist of Being, my testifying trail will be immersed sooner, because heart and careful reason are better these days, if one only secretly-hiddenly hopes to rethink the earthly things of selfish-cons voluntarily!
